What a day... It started with going to the National Library where we saw letters and diaries from history. Also I talked to an American tourist, she was really nice and used to live where my friend Sarah is from in America. Its a small world !!!! Next we went to see Bog Bodies it was AMAZING. Seeing bodies that havent decomposed for thousands of years and still have hair, teeth and skin. I know it sounds disgusting but most of us found it fascinating. It looked like they were all asleep as they were killed on purpose as a human sacrifices. The funny thing was they all had red hair, if anyone reading this knows why please tell me... Afterwards we had a look in the gift shop and got a bit pre occupied with the toys so were 5 minutes late coming out and delayed lunch. Woops! Anyway, next we went to the W.B Yeats museum. Now to tell you the truth I'm not a major fan of Yeats poetry but afterwards I was amazed at his life story. Kate and I went to Mc Donalds for lunch Mmmmmm. Unfortunately we were late... again much to the disgust of our teachers. Later we saw Juno and The Paycock. It was brilliant!! Except for the girls from Belfast who laughed the whole time. If you're reading this... Shame on you!!!! Anyway it was still a great performance and a great day. :)
Today my blog is dedicated to Blog Action Day...
What surprises me as a person living in the 21st century, a time where anything is possible. Amazing technologists, ingenious scientists and overall a very creative and imaginitave human race. Is that yet we can invent, create and imagine all of these futuristic ideas some of the simplest and in my opinion most important issues are not yet solved. Such as hunger, an astounding fact that I came across was that every 5 seconds a child dies of hunger in the third world. In this day and age even the simple problem of not having food is common. We underestimate the importance of food so much. One issue that needs to be raised is the waste of food, mostly by members of the first world. There are nearly one billion malnourished people in the world, but the approximately 40 million tonnes of food wasted by US households, retailers and food services each year would be enough to satisfy the hunger of every one of them. I got this piece of information from the website of Feeding the 5000. And only if this issue was raised more often we could save millions of peoples lives every year.You dont need to be a rocket scientist to understand that!!!
HOW COULD WE HAVE LOST???????! Our dance was perfectly executed, full of tricks and skills and completely unique. We were all so shocked when Banbas name were called out on the announcements. Oh well they deserved it. Heres a picture of me, Kate, Orla, Eimear and Aoibheann on the top. All Chearleaders would be very proud of us amateurs!!! Take a look here...http://www.stwolstans.ie/
Today in religion class we watched channel 4's Educating Essex. We all saw how a girl called "Gaby" was cyberbullied and how 2 friends solved an argument. It helped me to see how even girls who are against bullying and were prefects can do things that are bullying and against what they stand for. This was something that I never thought about before and is a big issue in schools today...
Some things I need to do before next weekend...
- Do Geography poject.
- Start Irish project.
- Blog more often.
- Work on Young Scientis Competition.
- Make my blogs less boring.
Sorry, all my blogs are soo messed up. I break every computer, its really confusing. I think I made a new blog ever time I posted.... Anyway bye for now!!
Who said that this would be an easy year?? With geography, irish, french, music, science, business and religion projects I am completely stressed. Where do I begin?! Well at least now we have the fun walk to look forward to. Our theme colour is yellow but I cant tell you our idea... Its top secret. All I can say is Fodla will win this year. Unlike the past 3 years where my old class Alder repeatedly lost every year, we were a great group but lets just say our dances werent exactly the winning type... :)