Thursday 20 October 2011

What A Day...

What a day... It started with going to the National Library where we saw letters and diaries from history. Also I talked to an American tourist, she was really nice and used to live where my friend Sarah is from in America. Its a  small world !!!! Next we went to see Bog Bodies it was AMAZING. Seeing bodies that havent decomposed for thousands of years and still have hair, teeth and skin. I know it sounds disgusting but most of us found it fascinating. It looked like they were all asleep as they were killed on purpose as a human sacrifices. The funny thing was they all had red hair, if anyone reading this knows why please tell me... Afterwards we had a look in the gift shop and got a bit pre occupied with the toys so were 5 minutes late coming out and delayed lunch. Woops! Anyway, next we went to the W.B Yeats museum. Now to tell you the truth I'm not a major fan of Yeats poetry but afterwards I was amazed at his life story. Kate and I went to Mc Donalds for lunch Mmmmmm. Unfortunately we were late... again much to the disgust of our teachers. Later we saw Juno and The Paycock. It was brilliant!! Except for the girls from Belfast who laughed the whole time. If you're reading this... Shame on you!!!! Anyway it was still a great performance and a great day. :)

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